Rain Taxi Reviews Research Randy

How is that for some joyful alliteration? It was highly unexpected, but to my surprise the esteemed Rain Taxi Review of Books allowed me through the doors. All I ever want is to create work that is entertaining, intelligent, and quite simply, fun.

Rain Taxi Review of Books is not normally a publication that would cover my work, and I am excited by the prospect of reaching an audience that would not discover my books otherwise.

The quarterly is quite inexpensive and I’m sure they would love your support. Well written, thoughtful reviews for 25 years going. Check them out here. I have no affiliation with them, I just think that it’s important to respond to nice things in kind.

The Best Book Review Ever

As an avid reader and author, book reviews are pretty much a part of my daily diet. I even write some myself over on Goodreads. But mine are quick, little things. Just a quick shot or two.

This review is a meal. Man, the folks at HorrorNews.Net did me a solid by assigning writer Hack Johnson the task of reviewing my new book, Research Randy and the Mystery of Grandma’s Half-Eaten Pie of Despair.

I enjoyed this so much. A real treat and it doesn’t hurt that it is a positive review.

Check it out HERE.

An Early and Positive Review for Research Randy

Advanced reader copies have been going out, and to my pleasant surprise, early reviews are coming in. At the end of the day, it’s reviews that sell books more than anything else. So yeah, I am stoked because this one is early, positive, and by a horror author. It’s nice to see that someone who is in your genre appreciates your work!

A quick taste and then you can check out the full review if you are interested by following the link below.

Okay, so this bizarre little book… What starts out as a slightly left-of-centre pastiche of Encyclopedia Brown meets the Hardy Boys, takes very little time to take a couple of non-Euclidian turns before devolving into an incredibly dark Cyclopean Nightmare meets Lovecraft and Bierce in the Robert W. Chambers of Pain and Despair.

— Tobin Elliot, author of the Bad Blood series.